MOPACT - Mobilizing The Potential of Active Ageing in Europe
Project description:
MOPACT is framed on the basis of a conviction that Europe requires a new paradigm of ageing if it is to respond adequately to these challenges in the context of open-ended longevity. Also, this paradigm must be embedded into responses to ageing at all levels – micro, meso and macro – if it is to be effective. This means a new paradigm of active and healthy ageing that rejects the deficit model of old age as a definite period of economic dependency.
The mission of MOPACT is to concentrate the highest possible quality of scientific analyses into the development of innovative policies and approaches that can assist public authorities and other key actors at all levels in Europe to make longevity an asset for social and economic development has been spelt out by the EC Commissioners for Research and Social affairs.
General Objectives of the Project:
The MOPACT project aims at operationalizing of the multidimensional concept of active ageing as the basis on which longevity can be made an asset for social and economic development. More detailed objectives of the MOPACT project are the following:
1) Conducting the most comprehensive review to date of the social and economic challenges of ageing.
2) Collecting and analyzing of social innovations and policy initiatives.
3) Mapping the steps required to realize active ageing in Europe and to propose innovative ways of doing so.
4) Involving stakeholders, such as policy makers, practitioners, product producers, designers and older people.
5) Undertaking the wide and effective knowledge transfer and dissemination of the work of MOPACT.
Involvement of CASE:
CASE contributes to several work packages, which include several specific tasks:
1) WP3 “Extending working lives”: development of the WP’s conceptual framework, mapping the current “state of the art” for PL and CZ, identifying and assessing motivations for and attitudes towards extended working lives for PL and CZ, identifying and assessing structural drivers of and barriers to innovation for PL and CZ, building innovative scenarios.
2) WP4 “Pension systems, savings and financial education”: intragenerational equity.
3) WP5 “Health and well-being”: reviewing health indicators, conducting analysis on social engagement and participation, good practice in social engagement, synthesis of data, generating innovative scenarios.
4) WP9 “Enhancing Active Citizenship”:
Jorgen Mortensen - Advisory Group Member (WP3) + Independent Advisor to the MOPACT Steering Committee
Project Output:
- 12 project newsletters;
- Project Website;
- Project Social media;
- Policy Briefs;
- 4 International workshops;
- 3 meetings of the Stakeholder Forum;
- Scenarios of active ageing document providing policy and practice guidelines.
Sponsor: DG Research and Innovation (FP7) – European Commission
Europaisches Zentrum Fur Wohlfahrtspolitik Und Sozialforschung (EUROPEAN CENTRE)
Centre For European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant Universiteit Van Tilburg (TILBURG UNIVERSITY)
Ministerie Van Economische Zaken, Landbouw En Innovatie (CPB)
Collegio Carlo Alberto - Centro Di Ricerca E Alta Formazione (CCA)
Elinkeinoelaemaen Tutkimuslaitoksen Kannatusyhdistys R.Y. (ETLA)
University Of Kent (UNIKENT)
National Institute Of Economic Andsocial Research Lbg (NIESR)
Istituto Nazionale Di Riposo E Cura Per Anziani (INRCA)
Kopint-Tarki Konjunkturakutato Intezet Zrt (KOPINT-TARKI)
Age Platform Europe Aisbl (AGE)
Instituto De Ciencias Sociais Da Universidade De Lisboa (ICS-UL)
Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli Federico II. (UNINA)
Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum (RUB)
Julius-Maximilians Universitaet Wuerzburg (UWUERZ)
Universitetet I Oslo (UiO)
Cranfield University (CranU)
Universita Degli Studi Di Salerno (UNISA)
Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Tarsadalomtudomanyi Kutatokozpont (IS RCSS HAS)
Westfalische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen, Bocholt, Recklinhausen (IAT)
Stichting Vu-Vumc (Vumc)
Universitaet Innsbruck (UIBK)
Technische Universitaet Braunschweig (TUBS)
University Of Southampton (Southampton)
Forschungsgesellschaft für Gerontologie e.V. / Institut für Gerontologie an der TU Dortmund (TUB/IFG)
Sihtasutus Poliitikauuringute Keskus PRAXIS (PRAXIS)
Institutul National De Cercetare Stiintifica In Domeniul Muncii Si Protectiei Sociale (INCSMPS)