Digital Entrepreneurship for Employability Paths
Project description:
Digital transformation is revolutionising the way Europeans live, study and work. Yet, not all Europeans are ready to fully participate in the digital society and economy. According to the European Commission, only 57% of Europeans have the digital skills needed for the digital world we live in. One in six Europeans aged 16-74 has no digital skills at all and one in four only has a low level of digital skills. Furthermore, while 90% of jobs require basic digital competences, 35% of the labour force lacks them.
There is a clear need to boost entrepreneurial competences and an entrepreneurial mind-set; and support digital entrepreneurship by transforming existing businesses through new and emerging digital technologies.
The main goal of the project is to improve professional success chances of VET students with different backgrounds by developing not only their entrepreneur skills, but also their digital skills. The other goals are:
-Mapping and stock taking of Digital Entrepreneurship dynamics in the countries involved, by identifying common trends, issues, best practices and tools.
-Boosting both digital skills and entrepreneurship by developing and testing a set of innovative materials and resources, which allow VET equipping at least 200 students of the participating organizations two crucial entrepreneurial success skills.
-Rising awareness among VET providers and training authorities concerning the potential of digital skills and entrepreneurship skills and their role as business success factors.
Project funding: Erasmus PLUS, European Commission
Project leader: CASE
Project partners: CTS Customized Training Solutions Sp. Z O.O., Mindshift Talent Advisory Ida, IDP SAS Di Giancarlo Constantino, Institut De Haute Formation Aux Politiques Communautaires, Internet Web Solutions SL, Pravo I Internet Foundation
For more information please visit the Project website